Friday 13th November Free Tech Draw


This weeks FREE Friday Tech draw lineup has been decided

£1000 every week will also go to a charity and we’ll take suggestions from you all to form a charity list. A winner will then be picked from that list – crossed off so other’s get a chance the following week.

 5 of you will walk away with tech and gadget prizes worth over £4000 this Friday in our FREE bonus draw.


Simply BUY TICKETS on our normal vehicle and watch prizes.

You’ll get 1x tech draw entry for every ticket purchased on our main prizes.


So this Friday 13th November this lot will be given away and at current prices it equals over £4000:

Apple iPhone 12 Pro 512GB Blue – £1299 

Sony PS5 Disc Version + £100 Cash for games – £799

Xbox Series X + £100 Cash for games – £799 

Windows Surface Pro 7 128GB – £799 

 Nintendo Switch Bundle – £319 


Apple iPhone pre-order confirmed and dispatched to us by the 12th November 

Sony PS5 and Xbox X – we’ve budgeted for this based on buying a console from eBay on launch day. Whatever change we have from the £699 will be sent to the winner (estimated console cost of £699 + £100 cash for games) 



Tickets purchased up to MIDNIGHT THURSDAY will be included in that Friday’s draw.

Tickets bought after midnight on Thursday will go into the following weeks draw. So you’ll always be entered into a bonus draw.

No further purchase necessary and nothing to claim. Buy a ticket on main prizes and you’re in the tech draw.

We’ll draw numbers with the highest value prizes going to those first drawn, down to the last numbers receiving the lower value prizes.

Every week there’ll be different prizes to win in our light hearted Friday draw.

Any main prize that has sold out before Friday’s draw will also be drawn. So fast selling prizes will be drawn on Friday – everything else drawn on the Monday.

✌️ Some weeks we will run more expensive prizes, surprises and interesting stuff – holidays, driving experiences etc etc.


Every week you can suggest prizes that you’d like to win on the Friday and we’ll keep a shopping list going.

Prizes will typically be shipped directly from Amazon/Curry’s/Apple etc to the winner unless it’s something special that we’ve bought in.

Winners of the bigger prizes will be called live.
Smaller prize winners will receive a text to the number on file or email.




Cheers all!

Hope you like this weeks selection and remember – there’s nothing more to purchase to enter this draw – just buy tickets as normal on the main prizes.

Good luck!